Coaching Philosophy
I believe that speaking is a revolutionary act.
Every one of us has important stories to tell and rich perspectives to offer. The deeper our stories and perspectives travel into the bodies of whoever is listening, the deeper the impact we have.
It’s my job to help you see — and celebrate — what you’re great at doing when you speak. It’s also my job to help you identify and offer you tools that will give you more ease, more centredness, and more satisfaction when you speak. I do this by creating a safe, dynamic, and collaborative environment where you can bring all of you into the room and we can invite all of you to speak.
For me, speaking is the last thing we do when we have something to say:
First we breathe. The quality of that breath informs what we feel. How we feel informs what we think. What we think informs what we speak.
All of these are informed by your personal lived experience (family, culture, social network, work, education, support systems). And they are also informed by the systems of oppression that you benefit from or are at the mercy of. Yep, I said it: the systems we live within greatly influence how much we think we can breathe, what we feel we are allowed to feel, what we think we are permitted to think, and how we, in the end, speak.
What if your authority to speak came not from outside you but from your own, deeply felt sense of autonomy and worth? Feeling more centred, more ease, more satisfaction, and dare I say joy, when you speak — these qualities not only feel good, they are renewable resources. They are the embodiment of confidence. Judgement, censorship, self-consciousness — these are not renewable resources. They are exhausting.
I want to energize you from the breath on up.
It is my job help you (re)discover your joy when you speak. To (re)widen the breadth of your thoughts and inner life. To (re)mind you that all of your feelings are valid and that they all have a place in your right to express. To help you re(member) the incredible power your breath has to fuel everything that comes after you breathe. And to help your story, your message, your perspective travel more deeply into your audience. I am here to help you be the change you want to see.
- MFA Acting & Graduate Diploma in Teaching Voice (York University, Toronto)
- Certified Rolfer (European Rolfing Association, Munich)
- Diploma in Physical Theatre (TooBa Physical Theatre Conservatory, Vancouver)
- BA in Communication (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver)
- Certified Hatha Yoga Instructor (Open Door Yoga, Vancouver)
- Certified Yin Yoga Instructor (Tracey Soghrati, Toronto)
The majority of my training is in the Linklater method of voice work. I am also compelled by the explorations of Patsy Rodenburg, particularly her Second Circle work, and Cecily Barry. My voice work is increasingly informed by the incredible potential for Rolfing / Structural Integration and Yin yoga to aid in the development and expression of a clear voice.